Feb 07 2016

Original building of FLYNN'S arcade as seen in TRON (1982)

Tag: Architecture,Linuxgoeszen @ 11:46 pm

Any fan of Disney's 1982 movie TRON surely remembers Kevin Flynn's arcade, the hero's "real" world den. If you watch the movie closely you'll notice a street sign reading Watseka Ave. And guess what: the building is actually there, in real world Los Angeles. In Culver City, on the corner of Washington Blvd. and Watseka […]

Feb 07 2016

Ubuntu VoxNow videos laufen nicht

Tag: Architecture,German,Linux,Ubuntugoeszen @ 11:18 pm

Wenn man mit Ubuntu die Mediatheken der privaten TV Sender (VOX, RTL, SUPER RTL, NTV-Now, RTLNITRO-Now etc.) nutzen möchte, wird man recht schnell feststellen, dass die Werbung zwar läuft, danach der Player aber seinen Dienst quittiert. Die Video-Wiedergabe bleibt einfach "stecken". Man mag das als einen glitch abtun, in der Tat steckt aber ein lösbares […]

Feb 15 2009

Zaha Hadid’s Pheono beamed to Italy by The International

Tag: Architecture,Linux,Signature Buildingstengo @ 7:19 am

Zaha Hadid, one of the most promising and most celebrated architects of the last few years has a well filled book of architecture challenges won. Anyway, besides the impressive number of awards and prizes the grand dame of deconstructivist architecture is not so strong on the side of works actually built. Only in recent years, […]